Welcome Baby!

Welcome Baby!

Preparing your new home for a baby can seem overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. For starters prepare a ‘Must have list’ for all the essentials that are on your mind and you can also look for online purchasing platforms. Here at Leah’s we have some tips to get you started:

1-Safety first: One of the most important things to do is to make sure your home is safe for your baby. This includes installing safety locks on your drawers and cupboards, covering electrical outlets, installing baby gates at the top and bottom of stairs, and securing furniture to the walls to prevent tipping.

2-Nursery essentials: Create a nursery for your baby with a crib, changing table, and dresser. Make sure the crib meets current safety standards and has a firm, flat mattress. Keep soft objects, such as pillows and blankets, out of the crib to reduce the risk of suffocation.

3-Babyproofing: As your baby grows and becomes more mobile, you'll need to baby-proof your home even more. This may include installing cabinet locks, placing safety covers on doorknobs, and securing appliances.

4-Stock up on baby essentials: Stock up on diapers, wipes, baby soap, and other essentials before your baby arrives. You'll also need bottles, breast pumps, formula (if you're not breastfeeding), and other feeding supplies.

5-Prepare for sleepless nights: Your baby will likely wake up frequently during the night, so prepare for sleepless nights by creating a comfortable and calming sleep environment. Consider blackout curtains, and a comfortable glider or rocking chair for nighttime feedings.

6-Get support: Having a baby can be overwhelming, so make sure you have support from family and friends. Consider joining a new parent group or hiring a postpartum doula to help with the transition.

Remember, every family and every baby is different, so do what works best for you and your family. With a little preparation, you can create a safe and comfortable home for your new arrival. We at Leah are here to support you in this beautiful journey of yours. Stay connected!